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We all look out for something when feel low or depressed to bring ourselves to normal.
Don’t we?
Now everyone wonders, How to live a better life?.
To make that clear I’d like to share 3 inspiring stories to live well that’ll touch your heart and inspire you to reflect on your own life and live well.
By the end of these three stories you will have a spark in your head to live a better life.
The Fire Fighter:
After 72 hours shift at the fire station,a fire fighter went up to a grocery store to buy some stuff for his home.
While he was busy in his grocery shopping, A woman came up running to him and gave him a tight hug.
He was in shock not understanding what was happening.
Seeing the man uncomfortable,she realised that he hadn’t recognised her.
She let go of him and with genuine tears of gratitude in her eyes and the most joyous smile on her face said “Sir,it was you who carried me out of the world trade centre on September 11,2001.”
Ladies and gentlemen, you may never know how,what you are doing is ticking someone’s life somewhere, And is thus helping you to live a life of purpose.
Keep doing what you are doing with commitment and dedication and may be, Someone who is completely unknown to you is being benifitted.
A Happy Cancer Patient:
A 27 year old lady who was a breast cancer patient was laughing hysterically of the antics of her sweet 2-year old daughter.
A man who knew her was watching the scene.
He was really tensed about the problems in his life and is totally lost.
After watching the lady for a moment of time,Suddenly he realised and thought to himself ” There will always be reasons to complain and worry about. I need to stop complaining about the wrong that’s happening in my life and start celebrating the precious moments of joy again.”
Guys, being consumed by pain is automatic. But being happy is a conscious choice.
We have to choose whether it’s the happiness we feel or the sorrow we fear about.
Let us choose to smile and celebrate life.
The Last Words:
A man, his three sons and two daughters stood around his wife’s hospital bed, As she uttered her last coherent words before she died.
This is what she said ” I feel so loved right now, we should have gotten together like this more often.”
Then she left her final breathe.
A deep sense of regret was created in the heart’s of the family members.
You know what?
“professional achievements are temporary, they come and they come again.
A personal loss is PERMANENT.”
Once a loved one is gone they never come back again.
Press pause and spend time with the one’s you love ❤️.
This makes their whole world brighter!
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Always keep doing whatever you are doing with commitment and dedication.
You may never know whose life you are making better.
Never complain about the wrong things happening in your life.
Rather, Appreciate the good things that bring a smile on your face no matter how small those are!
That really makes a huge difference in your self-esteem.
Spend some quality time more often with your loved ones.
Cherish all the memories you have with them,which automatically brings a smile on your beautiful face.
This makes life better of yours and your loved one too and makes them more attached and loving towards you.
I hope these made your day better.
Thats it for today, See you all in another blog post.
Until Then!
Help – Smile – Love.
1 Comment
Good Article