
Everyone have some problems in life.

Some Big, Some Small and Some which you can’t do anything about.

Everyone wants to have a life with no problems.

This is a Short Inspirational Story On Problems In Life by buddha.

Without any further delay,

Let’s get started!

Short Inspirational Story:

A Short Inspirational Story On problems in life

One day a man came to see the Buddha because he had heard that Buddha was a great teacher.

Like all of us he had some problems in his life and he thought the Buddha might be able to help him straighten those out.

He told the Buddha that he was a farmer.

“I like farming” he said, “but sometimes it doesn’t rain enough and my crops fail. last year we nearly starved and sometimes it rains too much so my yields aren’t what I’d like them to be.”

The Buddha patiently listened to the man.

“I am married too” said the man “she’s a good wife, I love her in fact but sometimes she nags me too much and sometimes I get tired of her.”

The Buddha listens quietly.

“I have kids” said the man “good kids too but sometimes they don’t show me enough respect and sometimes…”

The man went on like this laying out his difficulties and worries.

Finally he calmed down and waited for the Buddha to say the words that would put everything right for him.

Instead the Buddha said “I can’t help you”.

“What do you mean?” said the astonished man.

” Everybody’s got problems” said the Buddha.

” In fact we’ve all got 83 problems each one of us have 83 problems in life and there’s nothing you can do about it”.

“If you work really hard on one of them maybe you can fix it but if you do one another one will pop right into it’s place.

For example, you are going to lose your loved ones eventually and you are going to die someday.

Now there is a problem and there’s nothing you or I or anyone else can do about it.

The man became furious.

“I thought you were a great teacher” he shouted.

“I thought you could help me, what good are your teachings then”

The Buddha said ” Well maybe they will help you with the 84th problem”.

“The 84th problem?” said the man “What’s the 84th problem”.

“Your want to not have any problems” the Buddha Replied.


In your life it’s never a straight path.

It is a roller coaster. It goes up and down you will never live a life in perfect harmony in perfect Zen.

There will always be issues that will be bugging you.

You will always have problems at work, with your family, with friends, this never stops and be glad
because this is called Life.

Looking for a life without problems is like looking for a unicorn.Which you can never find.

Something like a life without any problems doesn’t exist and it wouldn’t be much of a life.

Would it?

We are humans, We are mortals.

So enjoy your life and try to grow through your problems and make yourself stronger.

This is it for today.

I Hope You Enjoyed This Short Inspirational Story On Problems In Life.

See you again in the next blog post.

Until then,


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